Drawing and 2-channel sound piece. Commissioned by Kunstverein Tiergarten/Galerie Nord Berlin and exhibited as part of “v01ces – Die menschliche Stimme im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz.” Dimensions: 7×2,5 meters. Length: 6’57”, loop. Voice: Ece Canlı.

This wall-sized drawing and sound piece present a non-linear, speculative historical framework juxtaposing the development of the Subharchord – a one-of-a-kind synthesizer produced in the 1960s in East Berlin – with the deployment of the so-called “dialect recognition software” by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) since 2017 for cases of undocumented asylum seekers.


As a multi-layered and multi-sensorial look at the history of technical listening in Germany, it seeks to avoid the traps of linear causality. Rather, this map traces a pathway wherein technological development begets violent othering, but at the same time holds within the possibility of its radical uprooting.

Curated by Inke Arns, production by Veronika Witte and Galerie Nord.

Crossover-Crosstalk Crossover-Crosstalk

Originally developed as an A1 Poster as a companion to the installation “The Emotional Residue of an Unnatural Boundary.”

Installation photos by Michael Zeeh.