Listening at the End of (this) World

is an MA Seminar on thinking and listening with and beyond the end of the world as we know it, having as its main driving force indigenous and anticolonial thinking.

Undoing/Unknowing Listening

is an MA Seminar on colonial listening and the (im)possibility of non-extractive practices, anticolonial methodologies, poetics, and processes for sound studies.

Forbidden Music, Forbidden Jukeboxes: Listening Anxieties and the Hyper-amplification of Violence in Rio de Janeiro

is a book chapter for “Border Listening/Escucha Liminal” published by Radical Sounds Latin America in 2020. It presents an interrogation of one of the many articulations of racialized sonic violence in Brazil perpetrated by the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, using a Jukebox (and the listening practices it affords) as its main narrative thread.

In the Mood

are liner notes for Lucas Odahara and Luiz Monteiro’s “COVER (Something Newly Missing)” discussing the power of musical covers, their relation with the blues and Latin America’s idea of solitude.

Editor’s Introduction to the Journal of Sonic Studies, issue 19

is my contribution as a guest editor for issue 19 of the Journal of Sonic Studies, themed “Sounds of Latin America.” This Editorial is both a framing and a call, weaving with and through Gabo, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Ailton Krenak.

Listening to Sound and/as Violence

is an MA Seminar exploring the effects of sound in the body and diverse definitions and discussions on forms of violence. Based on “Sound and Violence, Sound as Violence” BA course.

Weaponizing Quietness: Sound Bombs and the Racialization of Noise

is a paper discussing the role of design and material practices on the weaponization of quietness through the deployment of sound bombs by the Military Police of São Paulo, Brazil. Published by the Design & Culture Journal in June 2019.

“Das hätte nicht passieren dürfen” – Re-narrating Border Vocalities and Machine Listening Calibration

is an Audio Paper dealing with the sonic matter of accent recognition systems, focusing on the emerging listening practice of the rehearsal. Published in Spheres – Journal for Digital Cultures, issue #5.

Sound and violence, sound as violence

is a BA Seminar exploring different articulations of sound and violence, from assessing the effects of sound in the body, to diverse discussions on how sound can be either a direct vector of or an excuse for different forms of oppression.

Sound as violence and sonic dissidence

is an introductory workshop on the theme of violences performed with and through sound and listening. Collaboration with Leil Zahra-Mortada and Gabi Sobliye (formerly from Tactical Tech Collective.)