fortbestehend (I have carried them with me) (2023)

four-channel sound, risograph print. Commissioned by the Kunstkommission Düsseldorf as part of “on damp earths we wander” at Lantz’scher Skulpturenpark. Length: 120 minutes.

all these borders
I have carried them with me
in spaces between
postponed expired dates

This work is largely based on my experiences with visa rejection and dealing with anxiety as a migrant in Germany. A spectral deconstruction of the waveforms that make the “Rufton” (call sound) of the German Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde, or Landesamt für Einwanderung), whenever an applicant is called into the room to have their residence permit issued or rejected.

The sound, much like the fears and expectations of those of us who depend on bureaucrats’ interpretation of the Aufenthaltsgesetz, slowly de- and recomposes.

Installation at the Lantz'scher Park Düsseldorf

Curated by Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Lia Milanesio, and Bilge Emir. Produced by Ola Zielińska and Rafał Łazar. Risograph print by We Make It Berlin.

all these borders

Photos by Margherita Minnucci.